Surfea en los mejores spots de west java.

Esta ola de Izquierdas se encuentra sobre un arrecife de coral muerto junto a la hermosa playa de arena donde desoban las tortugas, de ahi el nombre de esta ola. Donde compartiras juntos esta fastastica maravilla.
Se caracteriza de un take off critico pero asequible junto a un corto pero intenseo tubo, funcionando en todas las mareas especialmente tubera en la baja.

Seven Waves
Surf spot Ombak Tujuh translates as Seven Waves and is definitely the big wave surf spot, capable of holding swells up to 20ft (7m). The coral ledge protrudes into deep water, forcing the waves to jack up suddenly, making for elevator drops, right by the cliffs. Big wave experts only as the power and deepwater hold downs are serious, keeping crowds thin on big days. Needs a big swell to perform and longer pintails are a good idea.

In front of MAMA'S inn spot a left hander that can deliver some magnificent surf waves but with the wrong winds can be a mes worth checking out

Ujung Genteng Harbor in West Java is an exposed reef and point break that has consistent surf. May-Oct (Dry Season) is the optimum time of year for waves. The best wind direction is from the east. Most of the surf here comes from groundswells and the best swell direction is from the southwest. There are left and right breaking reefs. Best around high tide. It's sometimes crowded here. Watch out for rocks/rusty pipes.